
Post and AUX sponsored the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall visit to E. Peoria in September

New exterior lighting for the post completed by Zeller Electric, 8/30/20

AMEREN started their pipeline testing in September

It appears that AMEREN will wrap up their pipeline testing soon and give us back our yard!  It looks like it has been graded and seeded as of Oct. 7th

Member Joe Stuart made a presentation to the post of a Flag and Plaque from Inherent Resolve.  Flag flew on EWACS aircraft over Syria and Iraq. ​​​Joe Stuart is still serving on active duty.

Operation Iraqi Freedom equipment display, Taco Night 9/19/20

First Taco Night since quarratine, 8/15/20

WWII Cavalry Scout equipment display, Taco Night 8/15/20

Bartonville Post 3883
​Veterans of Foreign Wars
of ​the United States


New hallway display of Post Officers and VFW Eligibility posters